Brands for Schools and Colleges

Every school or college is a brand. Your brand is who you are, how others perceive you, how you operate and communicate and the image and reputation you build. At Oyster we work with organisations in education, commerce and charity to help develop brands that give guidance, improve perceptions and reflect your true strengths and character.

Why is brand important?

'Reputation' is commonly referred to in education. A reputation is a significant part of a brand - academic and sport performance, teaching staff, pupil appearance, music, drama, facilities, the front entrance ... the list goes on. The key to controlling and enhancing brand is to focus all the strengths and build them into your communications and ethos. By identifying your brand it is possible to define not only the look and message of your communications but also how you operate. Brand is everything from the way you answer the phone to the academic results you achieve.

The key is to build positive associations around your establishment, your name, your logo. A strong brand guides your marketing with communications that deliver clear, positive and inspiring brand messages. 

When to refresh?

Refreshing a brand can send out a very positive message to your target audience. A strong brand enhancement demonstrates initiative and positive action. It's a great chance to change gear and has an incredibly powerful influence on your market place. If you're worried about implementing a change to your brand, rest assured there are different ways to implement brand enhancement without it costing the world! 

Our process

A new brand or brand refresh should be developed and implemented as part of a carefully planned process. At Oyster, we love working with educational, charitable and commercial organisations to help focus on their brand strengths and character, and from there to design and build really strong brand solutions that will often revolutionise their future. 


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