Independent Schools
In selecting the right school for their child, parents are making a huge decision. They will go on a journey of discovery that includes word of mouth, a web visit, the prospectus, a school visit and possibly a sample day. It's a competitive market and in order to ensure your message and proposition is fully represented, every stage of that journey needs to be carefully considered, shaped and put into place.
Not every child will be suitable for your school and your school won't be suitable for every child. However, by clearly understanding the criteria by which parents assess their choices and identifying the core characteristics, strengths and pillars of your school, you can ensure that both enquires and enrolments are optimised. Developing a clear, compelling and uncluttered proposition is essential to differentiate your school from the competition.
At Oyster we love working with independent schools to absorb ourselves in the character, ethos and strengths of each school. We work with your team at every stage to shape your core propositions, tone of voice, photography, design styles and the parent journey to ensure your school is promoted to it's full potential and the true character and ethos shines through.